YOU can stop this. Add your name to the petition below now!
Did you know that this brutal trade is often organised by criminal gangs and deceitful traders who steal dogs from the streets of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, and sell them for huge profits?
Did you know that many of the dogs traded and slaughtered for human consumption carry rabies and other diseases that can be passed on to humans, either through handling, slaughtering or consuming infected animals?
Few of the dogs that end up victims of the trade have been vaccinated. Neither are any of the dogs tested for disease before they enter the food chain, posing a significant risk to human health. There’s so much more to this story and so much you can do to help.
Only with your help will this end. Please start by signing this important petition, and sending it to as many people as possible.
ACPA is an international Alliance of animal protection groups representing tens of thousands of people just like you who care deeply about man's best friend. By signing this petition now and joining with us, you WILL be the catalyst for change in Vietnam.
Together, we CAN close down this cruel and brutal trade.
Take URGENT action today to stop dogs from being abused and brutally slaughtered for their meat!
YOU can be the catalyst for change in Vietnam!
Sign ACPA’s petition now calling on the Vietnamese government to ban the horrific dog meat trade.
The terrified victims, some stolen family pets, are taken from the streets and crushed into cages so small they can barely breathe. They have no food or water, and many die before they reach their final destination.
The surviving dogs are taken to primitive slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants. Many have their stomachs pumped full of rice to increase their weight and thereby the profits of the ruthless traders.
The dogs are then beaten with heavy metal bars. Their throats are slit and blood is collected in buckets to be used for making sauce.
Terror, abuse and then an unthinkably cruel death.

NOTICE OF CLARIFICATION: the “Ve di Vang oi” Campaign in Vietnam
On the 14th April, the Asia Canine Protection Alliance (ACPA) launched the “Ve di Vang oi” campaign with the support and participation of some of Vietnam’s best-known artists and celebrities. The aim of this collaborative campaign is to promote compassion towards dogs and to call for an end to the theft, trade, slaughter and consumption of dogs in Vietnam.
ACPA’s members - comprising of Change For Animals Foundation, Soi Dog Foundation, Animals Asia and Humane Society International - have been working in partnership with Tran Gia Bao who has been appointed the team leader of communications of the campaign by ACPA, and who has been managing the website. The aim of the website is to collect over one million signatures which will be submitted to the Vietnamese government to call for animal welfare regulations.
The aim of this collaborative campaign is to promote compassion towards dogs and to call for an end to the theft, trade, slaughter and consumption of dogs in Vietnam.
ACPA members have been working with Tran Gia Bao who has been managing over the last year to co-ordinate this media and public awareness campaign to help gain support for an end to the dog meat trade.
It is a collaborative effort and is a charitable operation with no profits being made by - or data sharing to - external companies.
Official affiliated websites for this campaign are: (the official page for the campaign in Vietnam).