Bobby's Story
Bobby was rescued from a market during our investigations in North Sulawesi in December 2017. It had been a long day and the market was getting ready to close for the day. We made the ‘mistake’ of making eye contact with a dog sitting in a cage surrounded by blood in the slaughtering area of the market. As we talked to the traders, we made the decision that we couldn’t leave him behind. We had to restore justice for at least one.
As he was taken from the cage, the trader told us that he had been dropped off with the traders that morning by his owner who no longer wanted him. The ultimate betrayal. After we left the market, we took him to our partners at “Animals Friends Manado Indonesia” (AFMI) who run the only companion animal shelter in the province. We named him Bobby. He received the veterinary care he needed and all the patience, love and gentle touches he needed to feel safe.

"Conducting investigations is the hardest part of our job. It never gets easier. We are often asked, "how do you go to these places and witness such immense suffering and cruelty?" But for me the question is the wrong way around and ought to be, "How do you leave these places and walk away from such immense suffering and cruelty?"The shame, the horror, the grief and the sadness are choking and don't ever leave you. The only way to save your soul and to help heal your broken heart, is to save those lives you can"
Lola Webber, CFAF co-founder

Beautiful Bobby moved on form the horrors he endured and learned to trust and love life again.