Canine Ambassador

Rescued from a dog meat farm just outside Seoul in June 2013 when he was about 4 months old, Django became Change For Animals Foundation’s first Ambassador to help us raise awareness of the dog meat trades throughout Asia, and to help show the world the plight of dogs caught up in this horror. Django now lives in Indonesia with CFAF’s co-founder, Lola, and her family.
Django’s breed is considered to be that of a ‘meat dog’ in South Korea – a title that meant his only value was measured on the weighing scales. When Django was first rescued, he was scared and cautious of people and noises. But within days we knew that his spirit hadn’t been broken. Despite being born in the most pitiful of places – in a filthy barren cage – he had the most beautiful spirit.

Django just moments after his rescue from a pitiful dog meat farm just outside Seoul, South Korea. Django lived in a dirty barren cage, his days filled with frustration, hunger, boredom and fear

“Django is simply the most beautiful soul I have ever met and just loves life. For Django, there are no ‘grumpy days’ or even ‘grumpy moments’. From the minute he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep on the bed, his tail wags and he’s ready to go! My family and I love him enough for all the dogs we are still fighting for… He is a boundless source of love and refuels our determination every day to keep fighting… No matter how hard it feels… because these dogs are always worth fighting for”, Lola.
Saying Goodbye to Our Beloved Django
On the 22nd August, we were heartbroken in saying goodbye to our beautiful Ambassador dog, Django 💔 His poor body was exhausted after a long battle with cancer, and he needed to rest and find peace. Django will be missed beyond words by CFAF’s co-founder, Lola, with whom he lived after his rescue from a dog meat farm in South Korea in 2013; but his legacy will live on forever, and we will do him proud... because we couldn’t be more proud to have him as our first Ambassador.
Django didn’t realise just how many lives he changed just by being him - by showing everyone that there is no such thing as a “meat dog”, and by bringing unimaginable joy to everyone who was lucky enough to meet him, with his beautiful big tosa smile!
We will never give up on the promise we made to Django in 2013 - that we will never give up until the dog meat trade ends. And we will fight on with the determination, passion and love Django inspired in all is us.
Oh Django, how we love you
You can see a some short videos about Django’s rescue story below (note- there is no graphic footage), with special thanks to the wonderful Peter Egan and amazingly talented Richard Symonds.